Business cases and Replicability of Promising Energy Flexibility Technologies workshop


On the 14th of September 2023, X-Flex and ebalance-plus project invite you to a (free!) workshop for all those interested in business cases of promising energy flexibility technologies and replicability of flexibility business models.


14:00 Opening – Elena Boskov-Kovacs (ETIP SNET & X-Flex)

14:05 SmartEN views on the new electricity market design – Laurent Schmitt (SmartEN)

14: 15 Q&A with Laurent Schmitt

14:20 Quantifying revenue streams from flexibility business cases: examples from X-Flex project – Camilla Neumann (X-Flex)

14:35 Q&A with X-Flex team 

14:40 ETIP SNET views on flexibility platforms/architectures and their replicability – Prof. Antonello Monti (ETIP SNET)

14:55 Q&A with Prof. Monti 

15:00 Ebalance-plus flexibility business models and a new approach on replicability assessment – Georgios Stravopodis

15:15 Q&A with ebalance-plus team

15:20 Wrap up

The workshop will be moderated by Elena Boskov-Kovacs (ETIP-SNET).