Results Academic publications Public deliverables Info material Academic publications All our scientific publications are available in open access here and on ZENODO A stochastic methodology to exploit maximum flexibility of swimming pool heating systems Exploiting demand-side flexibility: State-of-the-art, open issues and social perspective Grey-box modeling for hot-spot temperature prediction of oil-immersed transformers in power distribution networks A secure automation solution to provide flexibility at low-level grid – middleware services Intensive Data-Driven Model for Real-Time Observability in Low-Voltage Radial DSO Grids Two-Stage Secure Bottom-Up Load Coordination Mechanism in Distribution Grids Maintaining flexibility in smart grid consumption through deep learning and deep reinforcement learning WIREs Energy Environment - 2022 - S rensen - Recent developments in multivariate wind and solar power forecasting Household Energy Management Elastic Energy Management Algorithm Using IoT technology for devices with smart appliance functionality for applications in smart-grid. Testing smart grid scenarios with small volume testbed and flexible power inverter. Techno Economic Analysis of Electric Vehicle Grid Integration Aimed to Provide Network Flexibility Services in Italian Regulatory Framework. Exploiting Demand-side flexibility: state-of-the-art, open issues and social perspective. Distribution Grid Energy Flexibility: The Ebalance-Plus technologies developed for the University of Calabria Demo Site. Intentions to Charge Electric Vehicles Using Vehicle-to-Grid Technology among People with Different Motivations to Save Energy. Public deliverables D 1.1 Guidelines for New Market Mechanisms D 1.2 Definition of use cases, specification of requirements for electric flexibility D 2.1 Evaluation Methodology and Experiment Design D 2.2 Methodology for User Engagement in Energy Literacy and Flexibility D 2.3 Effectiveness of energy flexibility tools D 3.1 Specification of smart storage interfaces D 3.2 Specification of power inverter interfaces D 3.3 Specification of interfaces for IoT devices D 3.4 Specification and Implementation of Grid Automation D 3.5 Prediction models and Algorithm Specification D 3.6 Electric vehicle charging stations based on PV and V2G technologies D 4.1 Algorithms to unlock grid flexibility D 4.2 Report on Algorithms at MV LV level D 5.1 Networking Layer Specification D 5.3 Data exchange middleware specification D 5.2 Security and Privacy Mechanisms Specification D 5.5 Implementation of platform prototypes D 6.1 Evaluation Methodology and Experiment Design D 6.2a Report on pilot preparation D 6.2b Manuel User Interfaces D 7.2 Obstacles to Innovation Analysis D 7.3 Market Analysis D 8.2 Project Website and Social Media D 8.3 Introductory Video D 8.4 Video News Release Info materials Project poster 2 Mb Brochure 3.7 Mb Serious board game Result booklet